Electric Vehicles Intro, Grid Impact, and Vehicle 2 Everything

This engineering online CPD video presentation will establish, through slides and discussions, the impact of electric vehicles on the electric grid while highlighting the role of electric vehicle as a mobile energy storage demand response tool for the electric transmission and distribution grid.
This presentation will discuss the critical role electric vehicles will play in the 100% clean and renewable energy systems by 2050 or sooner, especially as many cities adopt internal combustion engine ban. Various issues related to smart charging, load factor, system-coincident peak vs. evening charging, cyber-security, vehicle 2 everything will be discussed in great detail including:
- Generation, transmission and distribution EV impact
- Smarter charging
- System/substation/feeder peak changes as a result of EVs
- Demand response
- Non-wire solutions
- Stacking options
Additionally, various energy storage types, applications, key energy storage components, critical information, and stacking options will be addressed.
This 2 CPD online video presentation is intended for electrical, mechanical and computer engineers as well as others involved in a technical and non-technical level in the renewable energy, and electrification who are interested in learning more about the future of the energy systems and the impact of EVs on the grid and future vehicle 2 everything programs.
This continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Familiarizing with electric vehicle grid impact and charger information
- Learning about different electrification plans
- Learning about vehicle 2 home, and vehicle 2 grid programs
- Understanding the power triangle
- Discussing electric school buses demand response programs
- Understanding grid interconnections, Distribution Management System (DMS), and Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS)
- Understanding the impact of electrification on equipment/cable ratings
- Learning about the impact of FERC Order 2222 and EVs
- Learning about utility remote control
- Learning about Distribution Management System (DMS)
- Learning about Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS)
- Understanding revised load shape & COVID
- Discussing Transactive Energy & FERC Order 841/2222
- Discussing next steps & future vision – End of ICE
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