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Pomona, NY 10970
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Dear [fname] [lname] is releasing the latest online PDH courses:
Introduction to Low Impact Development - 4 PDH
This course presents basic concepts of Low Impact Development (LID); a stormwater management strategy concerned with maintaining or restoring the natural hydrologic functions of a site to achieve natural resource protection objectives and fulfill environmental regulatory requirements.
Valve Fundamentals - 4 PDH
This course presents the basic valve components and their functions. It describes the types of valves in common use: globe, gate, plug, ball, needle, butterfly, diaphragm, pinch, check, safety/relief, and reducing valve. It discusses their advantages and disadvantages compared to others.
Stormwater Vegetative Biofilter Design - 10 PDH
This course provides design guidance for best management practices (BMPs) referred to as vegetative biofilters. Three different types of these on-site BMPs are described in this course and include grass swales, vegetated filter strips and bioretention cells.
Introduction to Roofing Systems - 4 PDH
This course provides guidance on how to specify roofing systems used on commercial, industrial, institutional and residential buildings. It describes the different types of steep-slope and low-slope roofing systems, re-roofing and re-covering issues, and selection and design considerations.
Hydrology (Part 1): Precipitation - 4 PDH
This course provides an overview of the hydrological cycle, watershed characteristics, precipitation, and the rainfall/runoff process, which constitute the first part of the “Hydrology Review Series”. These topics are intended as a prerequisite for studying more advanced areas of Hydrology.
Use Promo Code CED20862 and save 15% on any course.
Offer is valid through 5/31/10 and may not be combined with any other offer.