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Business Skills launches its new series of business skills courses for engineers to enhance their managerial and business development skills
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Enjoy a 20% savings on all courses including our latest online PDH course releases:
Foundry Technologies: Manufacturing Metal Castings, 2 PDH
Course No. T02-007
Almost 90 percent of all manufactured products contain one or more metal castings. Metal casting enables the production of simple to complex parts that meet a variety of needs. This course will provide you a detailed outline of cast materials, casting methods, and techniques.
HVAC Systems Noise Control, 6 PDH
Course No. M06-026
This course provides a basic understanding of noise control fundamentals and summarizes few noise control tips for HVAC system design, including the application of absorption materials, isolation techniques, and installation of barriers or acoustic dampening materials.
Fault Tree Construction in Reliability Engineering, 4 PDH
Course No. E04-020
Fault tree analysis is one of the widely used methods of system reliability analysis. This course discusses fault tree construction. It illustrates symbols used in construction, explains the logical top-down method of construction, and presents the limitations of the approach.
Double Containment and Lined Piping Systems, 2 PDH
Course No. M02-039
This course presents the basics, types, specifications and applications of double containment and lined liquid process piping systems. Also, this course depicts the guidelines for piping supports needed, along with the effects of thermal expansion on these piping systems.
Energy Storage for Solar and Wind Power, 4 PDH
Course No. R04-003
This course describes a number of energy storage technologies including pumped storage hydropower (PSH), compressed-air energy storage (CAES), and high-energy batteries. It discusses issues related to site availability, costs, performance, environmental impacts, market development and regulation.
Strategic Maintenance Management 101, 6 PDH
Course No. K06-002
This course provides an understanding of the need for, and how to create, a strategic maintenance management plan for the employer. It also provides guidance for developing the internal talent required to provide machinery and equipment maintenance necessary for the business.
Introduction to Pile Foundations for Structures, 2 PDH
Course No. G02-003
Deep foundations are braced column elements transmitting structure loads down to the subgrade. This course presents data, principles and methods for use in planning, design and construction of deep foundations. It also covers driven piles and drilled shafts under axial and lateral static loads.