Introduction to Transformers

This online engineering PDH interactive presentation provides an introductory guidance to better understand how transformers work, how they are best maintained, and how to test and evaluate their condition.
Transformers have been widely used at powerplants for the last century to transfer energy from one circuit to another by electromagnetic induction. While operating principles of transformers remain the same, the challenges of maintaining and testing transformers have evolved along with transformer design and construction. Modern transformers are designed to closer tolerances than transformers in the past.
Thus, effective, regular maintenance and testing is even more essential to continued operation when traditional “overdesign” cannot be relied on to overcome abnormal conditions. The utility engineer must be familiar with all aspects of maintenance and testing and make use of state-of-the-art tools and techniques for evaluating transformer condition.
This 1 PDH online interactive presentation is intended to electrical and mechanical engineers, maintenance personnel, utility engineers and other technical staff who are interested in gaining a better understanding of transformers.
This PE continuing education interactive presentation is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Gaining an overview on the principle of operation of transformers, their function, and physical characteristics
- Familiarizing with the basic structure of the different types of transformers
- Understanding the different components that make a transformer
- Learning how to test, maintain, and evaluate the condition of transformer
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