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Leading the Multi-Generational Workforce

COURSE NO: K08-007
Leading the Multi-Generational Workforce
Course Highlights

This online engineering PDH course will help you identify the reasons why the generations and individual working styles are different, give you insight into seeing the workplace from a new  perspective, and provide guidelines on what a leader can do to help members of each become as productive as possible within the multigenerational mix of today's workforce.


The workforce is becoming more diverse in terms of generational makeup. We have the Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1980 who are the first wave of Boomer children), Generation Y aka Millennials (1981-1995 sometimes called the  second wave of Boomer children), and  Generation Z (1996-2012) who are the most tech-savvy people ever because there never was a time in their lives without computers and the internet.


In addition, we encounter people in the workplace with whom we work very easily regardless of generation while there are others with whom we have difficulty working. This is because of our 'working styles' and that has nothing to do with age.


Once you discover how to view the workplace through the eyes of their employees, you will learn how to meet the needs of those employees regarding motivation, measurable performance expectations, productivity, mentoring relationships. and communications techniques.


This 8 PDH online course is intended for anyone who leads a workforce on a temporary or permanent basis. It is also useful for professionals working with management to improve internal communications. This course will also help leaders better understand how their employees view the world so they can become more effective in defining work expectations and selecting appropriate motivational techniques to sustain high levels of productivity.

Learning Objectives

This P.Eng. continuing education course is intended to provide you with the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Distinguishing traits of each generation
  • Identifying their values and general work characteristics
  • Capitalizing on their work assets and helping them overcome their liabilities
  • Knowing their leadership style considering generational and working style characteristics
  • Understanding the differences between knowledge, experience, and competency
  • Understanding how each generation is perceived by their coworkers
  • Understanding how to view the employer's benefits and programs from their perspective as an aid in recruiting and retention
  • Knowing the five differences between generations about issues involving career, speed, loyalty, balance and heroes
  • Understanding how to view their daily work from a leader's perspective
  • Analyzing their daily interactions for potential opportunities for change
  • Recognizing the choices of reactions you have when working under stress
  • Recognizing the messages you send to coworkers before saying a single word
  • Dealing effectively with unhappy employees of every generation and working style and still retaining good will
  • Identifying your individual working style and those of others
  • Dealing effectively with working styles other than your own
  • Identifying your "back up" working style and use it effectively
  • Learning tips for saying "No" and retaining good will
  • Discovering what motivates your employees individually
  • Applying motivational discoveries to get increased morale and productivity
  • Improving your interaction with employees who are your minimal performers
  • Identifying reasons why those employees are minimal performers and develop strategies to remedy them
  • Channeling employee motivation into improved departmental morale and performance
  • Developing measurements for objective and subjective behaviors for effective performance management
  • Working with employees to identify measurable work performance goals for them
Course Document

In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review the course document titled, “Leading the Multi-Generational Workforce”, prepared by Richard Grimes.

To view, print and study the course document, please click on the following link(s):
Course Quiz
Once you complete your course review, you need to take a multiple-choice quiz consisting of forty (40) questions to earn 8 PDH credits. The quiz will be based on the entire document.


The minimum passing score is 70%. There is no time limit on the quiz, and you can take it multiple times until you pass at no additional cost.
Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the quiz, print your Certificate of Completion instantly. (Note: if you are paying by check or money order, you will be able to print it after we receive your payment.) For your convenience, we will also email it to you. Please note that you can log in to your account at any time to access and print your Certificate of Completion.

To buy the course and take the quiz, please click on: